Shimmering Wild Flower Garden Swipe Fluid Acrylics Artwork #2523-4.14.18

Shimmering Wild Flower Garden Swipe  Fluid Acrylics Artwork #2523-4.14.18

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I am using a 12’x16″ stretched canvas All the paints I use are acrylic paints mixed with additives to help them flow more easily. All my colors are stored and mixed in squeeze bottles for ease of use. I add zigzagging stripes of colors using lots and lots of shades of green and turquoise. I apply the stripes with my pre-mixed squeeze bottles. I flatten the paint with a small spatula. I will use a damp cotton rag made from the hem of a tee shirt dipped into the paint on one end and letting it soak in for a moment before I pull it over the colors. I am using lots of green. expecting the “swipe” to make a wildflower garden effect. I use a bamboo skewer (dull end) to add swirls into the paint revealing colorful areas that do seem flower-like.

My “pouring” mixture or “recipe” is simple- and starts with 2 parts(estimated) Gac 800 from “Golden “added into any acrylic paint color 8 parts, (amounts are always estimated) This starts the mixing process. Mix the paint and Gac thoroughly. Next, I add my mixed Floetrol and (half )Deco Art pouring medium. (shake it first every time! )The truth is lately, that’s my go-to. I add the same (or more) ounces as the first two ingredients and mix everything thoroughly. The consistency is usually medium body/ weight, but other weights are usable with minor adjustments.

To mix, if you use squeeze bottles as I do, add a marble and shake your paints every time before you use them. All my acrylic paints are mixed in advance and contained and stored in squeeze bottles. If you are not using squeeze bottles, I suggest using a container that has a lid. I have often used the 4oz size plastic deli containers, and the paint keeps for a long time in them, but you still will have to stir before using the mix again because the Floetrol and other flow agents will rise to the top between uses. None of my acrylic paint has any added silicon. To create the pearlescent effects seen in most of my artworks, I use “Golden’s” Iridescent pearl “Fine” added to colors. By “eye ” until I am pleased with what I see.

Every day I learn new things. I will never stop experimenting, and I am happy to share what I discover with you.
To see finished wet and dry versions of all my Youtube demonstration artworks for sale visit my Expressionist Art Studio Gallery Fans and Collectors group on Facebook
# 2508 wet. Shown in this video.

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